My appetite is getting from bad to worse to worst these days, no more excessive "I GET HUNGRY EVERY HOUR" whines for the time being (though I still complain about hunger pangs every now and then), because I've apparently gotten used to churning acids in my empty stomach.
Not to say I do it deliberately, because I'd never do things like starving myself anyway.
Actually, I still get hungry every hour, just that everything in front of me would seem too indecent to be eaten by then. My mind must be playing tricks on me, and if it ever does the same to you...get fluffy.
This if fluffy.
Get her (its too pretty to be called "him") from any mcCafe counter at only $1.65. Its just steamed milk with whisked milk fluff, hence its name. Oh, but its heavenly steamed milk.
BUT the designs on her will differ. Two days ago at the same mac(s) (airport, T3), the guy only sprinkled strips of chocolate powder on her.
Today, another guy squeezed swirls of chocolate syrup and created a pattern (its supposed to look like feather right) by pulling a metal stick across the syrup and fluff. It was even dusted with sweet heavenly chocolate powder and there you go! FLUFFY (with marshmallows included)!
he even asked if I wanted EXTRA marshmallows k.
last month I got a fluffy with no toppings, the other time it only had messy lumps of cinnamon powder and the next it had no marshmallows..
Hmm, so Ashley and I studied at the airport today, and had dinner after that:
xo sauce bowl noodles and wang zai niu nai - which is actually just condensed/sweetened milk. But it was going at 3 cans for 1.95 so two kids with almost no money in their wallets would find it much too irresistible.
We just sat on the floor and used those expensive chairs as tables (if i don't remember wrongly, ONE of those chairs costs 600 bucks. or 100. wait, i think its 600). Heck those "OMG THERE'S TWO IDIOTS EATING ON THE FLOOR" glances, hah. Got quite alot of them though.
There's also WATERMELON FLAVOURED CHUPACHUPS sold at cheers:
I'm a candy addict alright,
how could anybody forget IMPACT mints?! peach flavour is a MUST HAVE.
So much for being a candy addict though, the chupachup was far too sweet for my taste, so it got stuffed on ashley's straw.
Hey that wasn't all that bad k, you can DRINK AND SUCK ON IT AT THE SAME TIME. serious. cola + watermelon flavoured lollipops! I can actually sell it can't I? doesn't the term entrepreneur sound nice? :D (but nah, i'm not made to be a businesswoman although I don't see any relevance to the topic here)
Lets backtrack, Kaiying ashley and I ate at the school canteen to save money, hahahaha. Ky ended up not going to the airport cause she doesn't like the place o_O. Siyun went home alone cause of some funny reasons.
Ky and I were trying to pull her off the pillar she was grabbing/hooking onto. I think there were two trumpet players there all the while, just watching us tugging and grabbing and shouting must be such fun.
Actually no, sorry we disrupted your sectionals -__- whoever you are.
&, I want to be a designer (anything) >> housewife >> piano/art teacher (tentative) in the future :]
I want kids I want kids I want kids I want kids I want kids!
School was SUCH fun with circuit training and crap in the morning followed by the QSE survery in the com lab. (HAH) they asked "do you like going to school?" at least 3 times k.
Its a HEAVILY PHOTOSHOPPED photo of the fountain and the school hall block with bright green grass and the azure blue sky (pretty white clouds included). Right, try looking at our school through Google earth actually ^_^
btw, 4L has the best attendance in the whole level!
Nah, I got nothing much to say.
Wait, I saw my male hamster erect just now o_O I put it all alone in a cage a few weeks ago cause it kept fighting with the female (who has just given birth). It was red, okay full stop.
Ohyes, thankyou siyun for the hamster supplements! (to generate milk production for mother chloe :D)
and thankyou Isabel leong/yingting for the belated birthday present (another necklace from diva in my collection haha! :D)
(and sorry I'm so critical today, tiredness is the culprit of it all ]: )
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